
Incline Education Fund (IEF) is committed to becoming a self-sustaining organization that will leave a lasting impact on our educational community for decades.  An endowment helps to ensure the long-term support of our schools. 

Through the generosity of private and corporate donors we have already built our endowment to over $437,000 in just the first three years.  Our long term goal is to reach $5 Million.  

A high quality public education is next to impossible to provide on tax dollars alone. Every public school in this country needs help to bridge the gap created by underfunded public schools.  An endowment helps address that gap and also creates a safety valve during emergencies and times of uncertainty ~ such as during a pandemic or economic downturn ~ and ensures continuity of programming and other resources for our schools. 

Schools where:

IEF’s endowment is held at the Parasol Community Foundation

You can help the Incline Education Fund build that endowment and support an education that matches Incline’s awe-inspiring Tahoe environment.

“Incline Education Fund is driving a generational impact on expanding the quality of education in our community.  By building an endowed foundation, IEF will ensure that our schools have support for years to come.”